Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I want my D3 BETA!

OK Blizzard, I still have yet to figure out your process for selection for beta keys. If it's completely random then I can't really have any complaints, but it does seem that there are certain people out there who receive a beta key just by asking. I'm talking about bloggers, shoutcasters, etc. Sure I'm not a regular blogger, but I feel there should be some sort of reward for being a loyal Blizzard gamer.

I'm sure many people have played a lot of Blizzard games, but lets just go over my past with them. I started out with Warcraft II, never played the first one, but I played that game endlessly, beat both campaigns, and lots of skirmishes both on a LAN and computers. Pretty much the same can be said of Starcraft. I got into that one a little late, say a year after release, but nevertheless, that would make it 11 years ago. Fast forward to Diablo II, and I'd say I played that game more than Warcraft II and Starcraft combined, and not by a small margin. I leveled at least 3 characters over 80, and did countless hours of loot runs. Warcraft III comes next, and yes I of course played through the campaign, plenty of online play, just never made it through the campaign.

So that brings us to WoW. Do I really need to tell you how much I've played this game? I have a blog about it! I've been playing since about 4 months after it was released, I don't even want to think about how much the monthly fees add up to, but I'd like to think I've invested more money in Blizzard than the majority of people out there. Just think, I have leveled 6 characters past level 80, 2 more past 70, and yet 2 more past 60. That's at least one of each class over level 60.

Starcraft II, I haven't done much online play yet, but I played through the campaign and a lot of Nexus Wars.

So, should I receive a beta key for Diablo III? That's up to Blizzard to decide I suppose, but I'd like to think they at least look through current accounts and have some sort of selection process other than just picking randomly. I have all those games registered on, so it's not like Blizzard is clueless about me owning them. Hell, I've lost my Starcraft disc two or three times and had to replace it each time.

Come on Blizz, let me get a beta key.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's been a long time

Yeah nobody reads this, but I want to go ahead and do this anyway. New expansion? Well maybe not so new anymore, but new enough!

I didn't know they could make the quest progressions better after Wrath, but they managed to do it again. I love how the quests flow, how some just pop up and don't make you return to the questgiver to turn it in. It's great! Not only in the new zones, but in the new quests they replaced in the low level zones.

Thousand Needles is awesome, I played through it a few times on both factions, I'm a big fan of the new underwater element they added to the game. Which brings me to Vashj'ir. Not sure if it's my favorite new zone, because Hyjal just brings me back to Warcraft 3 and the memories of playing through it the first time. I had such a hard time with that level.

I have a few new characters to comment on. I made a Worgen warrior, and got him up to level 60 pretty quick. It took like 8 months to get my first character that high in vanilla WoW, but this guy went ridiculously fast. My druid is 85, first there of course, with the paladin behind him at 84.

Oh, I've been soloing Heroic Underbog randomly with my hunter at level 82 in an attempt to become exalted with Cenarion Expedition and get the hippogryph mount. It's monotonous, but it'll be worth it. I got the Wintersaber mount with my priest too, that one went pretty quick once I upgraded her flying skill. That one has been in the works for a while, so I was pretty happy to get there.

Hmm, shaman at 82, got my DK to 80 somehow, he was really easy to solo with, almost like the pally, but can't heal himself. Warlock at 74 or 75, she's the one I'm working on right now until I get out of her rested XP range. I went destruction for leveling and I'm excited for chaos bolt. I first went with a warlock for a felguard, but I gotta see this chaos bolt in action before I change specs. I'll have that felguard later.

Rogue is still 70, he probably won't budge for a while, and the mage brings up the rear, at, umm, something around 50, but I can't remember. He'll be the next project. The whole water elemental as a pet thing really helps for soloing, mages were pretty rough before, almost as bad as rogues.

Ok, that's enough for now, I might update a every now and then though. Who am I even talking to, nobody reads this!