Friday, September 12, 2008

Pulling out the stops

Critical QQ already did a post about the new PvE to PvP transfer restrictions being lifted, you can read it here. I fully agree with this post, and want to add my own two cents as well.

He states that said transfer players will not have the skills to play on a PvP server and therefore would be outmatched by the players that leveled there. This is true, but they also will not know the etiquette that goes along with a PvP server.

Camping? Harrassment? While these seem funny to most gankers, it's really not a good idea. See, while you may be in a low level zone with your max level character ganking players for fun, thinking there is no one around that can stop you, there are opposing faction players with their max level characters doing the same. As soon as the call goes out that a lowbie needs help, all those players are going to come to the rescue, and if you camped that person, they are going to camp you tenfold.

This is the same reason why players tend not to kill each other while questing. You quickly learn that people have friends, and you are taking a risk by killing that lone player, because he probably has some level 70 buddies he can call that would be happy to pass the time by killing you over and over. It's a delicate balance, and those players that don't understand it will end up being miserable on a PvP server.

Last night I was finishing up Tanaris on my shaman when all of a sudden I got ganked by a hunter. OK, graveyard wasn't too far away, so I made the corpse run and continued on my way, no big deal. As I'm continuing toward my destination it happens again, same guy. Alright, I'm not happy about it, but it took him long enough to kill me again that I don't think he as camping, just patrolling an area and I happened to still be in it.

So I flip him off (I actually stick my middle finger up and show it to the screen, hoping somehow he will see it) as I usually do with gankers, and continue on. I had my mind made up that if it happened again I would call for backup. That is, until I saw in general chat that a few players were doing that already, I guess they had gotten fed up before me. A few minutes later I see that he had been neutralized.

That's just how things work on a PvP server, and for those of us that leveled on one it's a normal occurance that we're used to. But those who want to transfer to one from a PvE server just so they can have fun ganking? They're gonna have a whole lot of learning to do, and might find it's just not as fun as they thought it would be.

Yes, I did manage to play yesterday, and finished what I wanted to in Tanaris. Next up is the Hinterlands, which I have usually done by now, but haven't yet with my shammy for some reason, then I will move on to the Searing Gorge. I'm still optimistic that I will get my hunter and shammy to level 60 before the expansion hits.

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