Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back for now

I said I was going to quit WoW for a while, and at the time I meant it, but recent events have changed my mind. My house was broken into this past weekend while I was away camping and all of my gaming equipment was stolen, including my 55" HDTV (not sure how they got that one out so easily), XBOX360, Wii, and all the games and accessories that went along with them, plus my GameCube games that were lumped in with the rest of them. Weird thing was they left a lot of other valuable stuff, including almost all of my DVDs, all the retro systems (NES, N64, etc.), my desktop computer, PC games, guitars, and pretty much everything else that was in that room. My roommates were home too so they left the upstairs alone, which luckily meant my laptop and everything else in my room went untouched. Under the circumstances, it leads me to believe it was done by somebody one of my roommates has had over before (one roommate in particular), because they knew what they were taking and everything else was left alone, plus we have an alarm system but don't turn it on, and with all the stickers on the house telling people it's there they must have known that.

When I got home from camping and found out what happened I had the police come and file a report with a list of what was stolen. My roommates gave names of people that have been here before that they suspected could have done it as well. We were also able to find some fingerprints on the back window where they must have broken in, and this will hopefully lead to finding out who did it, and maybe even getting some of my stuff back.

I've decided I'm moving out as soon as possible and this time I will be living on my own. I do like having roommates around, but if it means there's a chance they're going to bring over shady people that will see my stuff and decide to break in and steal it I will pay more rent to live on my own.

Either way, I have no games left besides a bunch of old stuff, so WoW will have to keep me occupied until I find out what's going to happen with all this. If this is a sign that I shouldn't have stopped playing, I wish it could have been done without me losing a couple thousand dollars worth of my stuff, but I'm glad nobody who was home at the time had anything bad happen to them. Anybody with roommates, make sure they don't bring over anyone they think could be capable of something like this, or just don't live with anyone that knows that type of people.


bbr said...

I'd like to read your blog sometime, but the colors are sadly quite unreadable!

Could you perhaps spend some time to improve your theme? :)

WhoopinYe said...

I made the main text easier to see for now, I'll try some other stuff later to make everything work together.