Friday, May 23, 2008

Trying to get in the groove

I was excited to start playing again, and I know I'll get back into it pretty soon, but trying to plan out my WoW time is gonna take some getting used to again. It doesn't really help that I'm trying to move in the next couple weeks and I want to get most of my stuff packed and in boxes early so that on the day of the move all I have to do is carry them out of the house. I also have to set aside a lot of time to check out new places to live so I'll be pretty busy these next few weeks, but hopefully after this whole fiasco is overwith I will be able to get back into it again.

I had an interesting conversation with my girlfriend the other day about my videogame playing while we're together. See, initially I was under the impression that she hated when I would play videogames while she was around, and because we're together pretty much every day after we each get off work, it basically left me with no gaming time. That is until this conversation was brought up. I don't remember how I worded it exactly, but now that I'm moving (and since I will be moving to an area that is actually closer to her job than her own place is) she will probably be at my place even more often than she is now, and she asked if I thought I would get tired of her. Well of course not, and even if I was going to I wouldn't say that, but I said she'd have to give me some videogame time, and to my surprise she agreed. She basically said as long as she has her own laptop with her and internet to connect to, she could care less if we sit there mindlessly watching TV or if we're both on our respective computers playing WoW or surfing the net. I know I can't just play all the time, but it's good to know she understands that I need some gaming time and that she's willing to let me have it as long as it doesn't leave her with nothing to do.

So things are looking up, I just have to figure out where I'm moving to. I got a few places to check out this weekend and I will hopefully have a pretty good idea of where I will be moving once that's done. Wish me luck!

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