Friday, July 11, 2008

On the prowl

These Nesingwary hunting quests are killing me. I could understand 10, 15, or maybe even 20 mobs to kill to complete each one, but 30 is just asking too much. Not to mention everyone else stuck on these quests are crowding up the area and killing all the mobs too, making it even more difficult to find enough to kill. One good thing about this whole situation is how much leather I'm getting out of it. The crappy thing is that my leatherworking skill isn't high enough to use any of it. Hmmm. I guess I'm gonna have to do something about that pretty soon because my bags are getting full, and I really don't want to have to buy more bag slots at the bank to make more room in there. I'm really gonna have to start thinking about where I'm going with my leatherworking because right now I have no clue as to what would be the best route for a feral druid. What I'm really hoping is to be able to buy materials to level my skill, then sell all the items I make for more than the materials cost, but I think that might be a pipe dream. From what I've heard you end up putting more money into a profession to level it than what you make from it until you hit the high levels, and even then you don't make much unless you have a rare recipe that people need.

My next highest level character, my priest, who is level 63 at the moment and will be starting Zangarmarsh soon, is levelling tailoring and enchanting at the same time. I know, it's pretty much the easiest way to never have any money, ever, but it seemed like such a good idea when I first started her and I am stubbornly sticking with it now. The good thing is that as my druid goes along levelling he picks up a lot of cloth, and I mean a lot. I cleared out his netherweave yesterday and mailed it all to my priest, then half an hour later I had 3 more stacks to send her, and I don't even know how that happened because it seemed like I was only killing beasts. For now she's still stuck on runecloth (which I also send her a lot of), but soon she will be moving on to netherweave and should be flying through the levels like crazy, at least for a good portion of time. Another plus is that with two more up and coming characters in their 50's it just means more cloth to come.

My shaman probably has my least favorite profession so far and that would be jewelcrafting. I don't really even know what I don't like about it, but I'm finding it very hard to level, especially since they made levelling mining take so much longer. It used to be if a node was orange you would gain a level every time you mined it, up to 4 times per node sometimes, but now you level once per node and it's making the process take forever, I don't think I can even mine gold yet, and she's in her 50's. My hunter should be making me money like crazy from what I've heard. She went dual gathering with skinning and herbalism, but for some reason I made sure to keep her skinning up to speed, but her herbalism is way behind and in order to catch up I'm gonna have to farm some lower level zones. At this point I really don't want to put the effort into it, but I know when I get to Outland with her and start finding those moneymaking herbs to pick I'm gonna want to be able to get them.

I think these professions are part of what led to my altism. With my lack of friends in the game I really need to be as self proficient as I can so I figured my alts better all have different professions to make sure I can support myself for most craftable items. Notice how I don't have anybody blacksmithing on the Alliance server. I also don't have any characters that can wear plate on my Alliance server because I even planned that out too. The nice thing that I didn't plan but still worked out well is when death knights (also plate wearers) become available I will have a slot open on my Horde server for him to make it 5 characters per side and have all the characters that will benefit from blacksmithing on one server. What I'm not sure of yet is whether I will be able to make a death knight on that server as I have no characters over 55 yet on there, but I do have some on my other server. The way Blizzard has worded it makes it seem like you can make a death knight if you have a character over 55 on any server, but I guess we'll wait and see if that loophole works or not. Anyone out there know the specifics about that? Luckily if I do need a 55 character on the same server I have my old roommate's level 50 BElf Mage on my Horde server that I can quickly level to 55 if I need to. Looks like things will manage to work themselves out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd sell all of that leather your getting on the AH and make a killing. Leather is a fast seller because of so many people trying to get their leatherworking up.

It's my personal opinion you can make more money selling the materials than you ever could making items with them.