Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back to Outland

I finally hopped on my druid last night to do some questing in Zangarmarsh. The thing that sucks most about switching to a high level character (level 63) after playing on much lower level (under level 25) characters for so long is how slowly the experience bar goes up. I was so used to getting 1000 XP from turning in a quest and seeing my XP jump a couple bars, maybe more, but now I get 10x that when I turn in a quest and I get maybe half a bar. I got a little frustrated at first with this because I really want to push my druid to get to 70 soon, but it seems like it's gonna take forever. I did manage to finish about 6 or 7 quests which got me a quarter of a level, give or take. I guess I can't really expect to be gaining a level or more in one sitting in Outland, that would mean I'd be 70 sometime in the next couple weeks, but the plan is to continue on leveling my druid until he runs out of rested XP, which will probably never happen at the rate I play.

On another note, I just saw some leaked rogue talents for the new expansion and it's making me wonder whether playing my rogue will be fun for me again if I had these new skills at my disposal. I guess when I got to level 60 on my rogue I was sort of burnt out on him. I hadn't started any alts yet so I didn't get the variety of playing any other classes. I know there are many players that won't waver from their one class that they love, but I just can't be exclusive when it comes to games. I can't stick to one of the options a game has to offer when I know there are so many others that I can try out.

With WoW I'm not so much about being an expert at any one class, I'm happy just being mildly proficient with every class. The advantage it does give me is knowing what kind of skills the other classes have at their disposal. In most endgame content it seems that is valuable information to have. On the one hand, in raids it's good to know what your teammates can do, and even though they may not like another class giving them pointers on how to play theirs, if you suggest something insightful that they may not have thought of they are likely to at least consider it. On the other hand, in PVP it is always good to know what your opponents are capable of, and the best way to gain that knowledge is to simply play their class. It can give you a much better idea of their strengths and weaknesses, as well as likely strategies they will use to defeat the class you are playing so you can use that to your advantage. You can read all the analysis you want about other classes, but until you actually play as one and get a feel for how they work, you get very limited insight about them. So go try some alts, see how it feels to play as something else, and you may even find you like it better than your current class, that's how it happened for me.

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