Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Continuing on

Still in Terokkar, but I managed to get a good amount done yesterday in my limited amount of play time. What's up with those bird guys though? Kidnapping little kids is not cool, the Horde didn't even resort to that. Luckily I managed to save them, but then somehow they reappeared in their cages a few minutes later. Makes me think they didn't want to be saved in the first place. I spent most of my time killing lots of the bird guys at their various camps, took out some of their leaders, and took back some items that they stole. That +10% experience buff from the fire festival is awesome, I think I got about half a level just in that playing time alone, and I didn't even get to turn in all the quests yet because I got interrupted.

At one point I was trying to sneak into a camp of bad guys in a disguise when all of a sudden one of them saw through it and I had to make a run for it. I thought the disguise would work flawlessly, but apparently theres a chance they will realize it's you. I went back for another disguise, but decided I'd leave that one for next time so I logged out. Maybe you just can't get too close to the mobs or they'll figure you out, or maybe it's just random, either way I have to be more careful next time.

It seems like there's still a bunch of stuff left to do in Terokkar. I think I finished most of the stuff in the north, but as I work my way south I keep finding more people that need help with something, so it looks like I'll be there for a while still. I'm really looking forward to getting into Nagrand. I hear Nesingwary is there and has some more animals for me to hunt for him. Those quests were part of the reason I like STV so much, and now he's back with more for me to do.

Next time I play I hope to finish up here and move on to Nagrand, and hopefully even get to level 65, that would be ideal. I think by then I will have earned enough money from all the quests to get my swift ground mount...finally. I can't believe I haven't been able to save up the gold to get one yet, on this character or any of my others over 60, but with all the money earned from questing in Outland I'm finding it isn't as hard as I thought, and my other characters shouldn't have too much trouble. It doesn't help that this guy was the one funding my lower level alts on their way up, that was a huge drain on my gold supply, but a while ago I decided to let each one fend for themselves until I hit 70. My hunter and shaman both had to wait for their first mount until around level 45 before they had enough money to buy it on their own, but I didn't mind too much because they both have skills that increase movement speed.

I'm not sure how I feel about the change to first land mounts being available at level 30. I know lots of people are excited by this news, but it took me a long time after I hit 40 to earn enough to buy one, I don't see myself ever having enough to buy one at 30, or even close to it. One good thing is that out of the 4 characters I still have under level 30, one is a warlock and one is a paladin, which means free mounts for them anyway, and maybe the money they save will go to the others. We'll see about that when I get to that point, but for now it's on to more of Outland, more content I haven't seen, and eventually level 70, hopefully before the new expansion comes out. I know I'll be starting a Death Knight right when I get it, and that might seriously hinder any opportunity to check out Northrend right off the bat, but I'm sure the novelty won't take too long to wear off and I can get into the new stuff.

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