Thursday, June 12, 2008

So much I want to do

I don't really care about raiding, mainly because I don't have enough time (or a level 70), but also because I just can't stand stupid people, and most guilds have a bunch of them. I figure if I ever get any of my characters up to level 70 I'd probably just stop playing them until the expansion and just focus on my other alts. In the very unlikely event that I get one character of each class to the top, I would probably just PVP and get better gear that way, it seems a lot less time consuming than spending 3 nights a week killing bosses in hopes of getting the gear you want, only to be disappointed the majority of the time when you come away with nothing useful. But there are other things I want to do in the game that don't necessarily have to do with getting gear or killing bosses or anything. They also don't require being at the highest level, just high enough so you can go to that certain zone, or learn a certain skill.

First and foremost, what I really want to do is summon an infernal in the middle of a low level Alliance town and watch it wreak havoc. I think I was reading another blog where someone mentioned this and I just thought it was an awesome idea, but my warlock is only level 12 so I have a ways to go before I'll be able to. Right now I'm thinking something like Astranaar because I'm not sure if it would work in Alliance controlled zones, but I would love to go to Goldshire if that would work, anybody know?

Secondly, after leveling many characters up through the levels, I have found the zones where I would love to go back and take out my aggression on the opposing faction. Do you know how many times I was ganked in STV? Not to mention the times I got corpse camped afterwards. Ashenvale was pretty annoying too, with power levelers running around the zone with 70s helping them that one-shot you on sight. I know not everyone plays on a PVP server, but those who do will know exactly what I'm talking about. Now this one sort of requires me to get up to 70 with at least one character because I know when the call goes out for help, that's what I'm gonna be up against, but I really want to go back to some early zones and just gank the hell out of everyone for a while. I know it sounds kinda mean, but I wouldn't torment people, just gank once and run off to find the next victim, I'm not the type to harass people.

Next up, I want to solo the low level instances I never got a chance to go to at the proper level. There are actually a bunch I've never been to and I feel like I'm missing out on something. For instance, I've never been to SFK, RFD, Mara, most of the instances in Blackrock Mountain, and a bunch of others that most people ran as 60s before the expansion like DM and Strat SC. At this point I don't have a character at a high enough level to solo many of those instances, but I've heard of 70s soloing those places to farm, and I'm sure when the expansion comes out there will be people able to solo their way through the raids as well. How cool will it be when you get to level 80 and go back to solo MC or ZG, or one of the world dragon bosses? I want to get to that point.

For now I guess I still have my work cut out for me, but I do have some goals of what I want to accomplish eventually, and I think they are actually achievable within a reasonable timeframe given the amount of playtime I get. Well, except maybe being able to solo MC.

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