Monday, June 16, 2008

Moving on and questing

Well the pally made it to level 12 and is just starting her adventures in the Ghostlands, but for now I think she needs to take a break and give me some quality time with one of my other characters. I really should get somebody to level 70, and right now it's looking like my druid will be the one, but every time I get to the character selection screen and click the druid, I find myself hesitating to play him. I know I have fun with him, and any quests I do with him from this point on will be brand new to me, but still there's something that makes me question whether I want to push him through new content or pick somebody else and go through content I've already been through but know so well. I think I'm gonna just have to bite the bullet and log him in, since I know once I start up with him I'm gonna have a good time. At this point it just seems that I am a little afraid to venture out into new territory when I know I could pick someone else and be in familiar surroundings where I know exactly what to do.

One big help to me has been the QuestHelper addon that I started using a couple months ago. For a long time I was using online leveling guides to help me organize my quests and get them done in the most efficient way possible. Now with this addon I can just pick up all the quests and it will tell me on the map where to go to complete each one, and it even maps out suggested routes to take to spend as little time travelling as possible. Now obviously it's your choice of whether to follow the routes or not, and sometimes I just happen to know of a better way to go based on what level mobs you have to fight for certain quests, but then QuestHelper updates itself based on where you are on the map and will constantly give you different routes to follow as you move closer to or further from the quests objectives. It's pretty much replaced the online guides for me, although I still plan on using those as references sometimes, but it really seems I won't have to be constantly alt+tabbing to check and see where I have to go next. I highly recommend this addon for anyone leveling alts that doesn't have the brain capacity to remember exactly where to go for each quest you've done on a previous character. If you're just starting out though I would play as long as you can without it, because exploration is one of the best parts about this game when you first get it, although I'm sure if you're reading enough WoW blogs that you ended up on mine you've probably been playing long enough that you should have been using this addon a long time ago.

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