Monday, June 23, 2008

WoW binge

So I had a WoW playing marathon this weekend, and I can't tell you how good it feels to get some quality play time in again. I'm not really sure how long I actually played, but it must have been on the order of 4 hours or so, which may be your normal play time for some of you out there, but for me that's a long time. I managed to finish up the rest of Zangarmarsh, which actually turned out to be less of a drag than I thought as I managed to group the quests together fairly well to save myself a lot of useless travel time. There were a few quests that gave me some trouble, and I was never able to get a group together to kill those two elite nagas, but I can always go back if I want to.

I think the main thing I didn't like were some of the drop rates for quest items from the mobs over there. It really just makes me feel like I'm grinding when I kill the same mobs over and over looking for them to drop a certain item for a quest and I get really burnt out on stuff like that after a while. I don't even really mind just killing X number of a certain mob because then I at least know roughly how long it will take, with items you can run into a dry spell and have none drop and then it gets really frustrating. After I got past those quests though it was smooth sailing until I was done with that zone, and right when I turned in the last couple quests I hit level 64, just in time.

So on I went to Terokkar Forest, and I must say I already like this zone much better. It isn't as alien as the last two zones seemed, and I am starting to do more quests for more of the various factions that I've heard so much about from others but had never gotten a character to the point where they needed my help until now. I decided to side with the Aldor as I plan on sticking with my feral spec, so hopefully I made the right choice. Right now it really doesn't matter, and I'm not sure I'll even get to see the benefits because by the time I get to 70 the new expansion will probably be out and the faction rewards will be mostly obselete. Plus I have a level 63 shadow priest ready to start Zangarmarsh and she will probably side with the Scryers. I spent a couple hours in Terokkar killing various beasts and birdmen. The warp stalkers are pretty cool with their ability to teleport behind you in the middle of the fight, I wouldn't recommend using the keyboard to turn your character around when they do, if you're at that point in the game you shouldn't be doing that anyway. I finished up by taking out a fel orc camp and killing their liaison with the blood elves to the north before calling it quits for the night. I think I got a good amount done in that time; I started with a quarter level into 63 an now I'm almost halfway through level 64, that's a huge jump in one day for a character in Outland, and I'm finding myself enjoying it more and more.

On a side note, I managed to raise enough money to pay for my journeyman riding skill, although I still need to get more to buy a mount. Kinda sad that a level 64 druid is running around Outland with the mount he bought when he turned 40, but thats just how it goes for a casual player like me I guess. It did make me feel better when I saw another player out there with a level 40 mount too, glad to know I'm not the only one. I'm gonna have a hell of a time getting enough money to fly. Do you need the next riding skill to use flight form with a druid? If so, I guess I'm in trouble.

Hopefully I can find more time this week to play, I'm really looking forward to it.

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