Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Questing peeves

I read a bunch of other WoW blogs, and one things I've seen a lot is ranting about raids and what some people do to make you hate them during the raid. What I haven't seen much of is what I run into frequently during my adventures, and that would be douchebags that mess up your questing. I know some would say that grinding is the fastest way to level up, but with the increase in quest experience from level 20-60, I find that questing is the way to go, and it's much more rewarding as well. The thing I can't stand is how some people can mess it up for you and the fact that you can't really do anything about it because half the time they are part of your faction and don't really care.

So here's my list of pet peeves that I encounter when questing:
  • Getting ganked. Probably the most annoying thing encountered on a PVP server when all you want to do is finish a damn quest.
  • Getting corpse camped. Actually this is the most annoying thing, I usually have to switch to a different character when this happens.
  • Somebody tagging your mob right before you hit them so they get the credit, especially when your first attack puts the aggro on you. Half the time I run away until they stop chasing just so that bastard doesn't get the credit for it.
  • Somebody picking the node for a quest item while you are fighting the mob that was guarding it. Obviously I was going for that node but you decided to be a jackass and take it while I was doing all the work.
  • Ridiculously long corpse runs, especially when the quest area has lots of patrol mobs that tend to sneak up on you. Probably the worst offender I've run into is the harpy area in Feralas since your ghost shows up back in Feathermoon and you can't run straight there because there are mountains in the way.
  • Ridiculously fast respawn rates. When you're working your way through a cave or something and you kill a mob, only to find the mob you killed right before that one has already respawned, it's going a little too fast.
  • Quest chains that send you halfway around the world and back. Sometimes these can be rewarding if you get something good at the end, but more often than not you end up with some dwarven cheese and a pat on the back.
  • Quest chains that require you to kill the same exact mobs in more than one part. The murlocs in Hillsbrad come to mind, first you have to kill a certain number, then you need to collect fins to prove you killed them, when he could have asked for proof in the first place and saved you a trip.
  • Goretusks with no livers, bears with no meat, basically any animal that doesn't seem to have a certain body part you are trying to collect. Seriously, how are they walking around, much less putting up a fight when you attack them, if they're deformed, and why are so many deformed in the same way?
  • Escort NPCs that are idiots. Need I say more?
  • Quest items that were impossible to find until they made them glow in a recent patch. The burnt down inn in Dustwallow had some ridiculously small items.
  • Those damn books in the town hall in Andorhal. Probably one of the most frustrating quests I ever did until I figured out what book graphic to look for.

Those seem to be all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure next time I play I will run into one I forgot. The main thing is to not let it bring you down, because although it seems like these things are what is wasting your time, I think all the running between areas wastes the most time in this game. Sure it's amazing how big they made this world, but it also acts as a time sink to keep us playing longer.

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