Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Farm raid

Continuing on in Hillsbrad, I headed on over to the farms to take out some farmers. Who do the Alliance think they are? We can't have them farming that land, it's just not right. Well that quest went pretty easily, up until a couple level 33 Alliance showed up, a hunter and a shaman. Now I was only level 25, and they were chasing down two Hordies, both around my level, a warlock and something else (don't know because he died before I had a chance to check). Well it's my duty to avenge my fallen comrade, right? I ran in, rooted the hunter and his pet, taking out some of the shaman's totems at the same time, and proceeded to blast away at the hunter. It's pretty annoying having half your spells resisted, but me and the warlock managed to take down that hunter before the shaman finished us off. By the time I had made my way back and rezzed they were gone, and I was done with the quest anyway, so I headed back and was once again screwed by drop rates.

I needed to collect mountain lion blood for some experiment for one of the Forsaken in Tarren Mill, so I set out killing as many mountain lions as I could. After about 10 of them I got one vial of blood...and I needed 10, so I knew it would be a long grind. Well after about 10 more mountain lions I had 5 blood, so the drop rate was getting better...but not for long. There just happened to be a few other Horde on the same quest, at least that's what I'm assuming, but I never actually saw any of them, just the corpses of the lions they had killed, so I was stuck hunting down any lion I could find, and they weren't easy to come by. Took me a while, but I did it and turned in the quest.

I think I'll save the rest of Hillsbrad for later, right now I'm going to be heading over to Ashenvale to do some questing over there as I will be outleveling some of the quests there and I want to get the easy XP. Needless to say, I spent the rest of my play time travelling, stopping at the trainers to learn my new skills and turning in various quests that went to NPC's in the main cities. I also figured it was a good idea to learn the teleport spells for each major city, so now I have all but Thunderbluff, and I will get that next time I'm there. I forgot about mages being able to port themselves, this will save a lot of travel time and I won't have to worry too much about where I set my hearthstone. I then flew to Ashenvale and decided to call it a night. I find more than an hour or two at a time is plenty for me, unless I'm doing somethine specific, but just questing can get tiresome and I find after an hour I'm usually antsy to do something else. I'm really looking forward to future mage adventures, this class is very fun to play.

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