Monday, April 14, 2008

More Maging

The crappy thing about being in the lower levels is that the amount of rested XP bonus you can accumulate is capped at a I believe 1.5 levels, and you can fly through that in no time when you're in the mid 20's. I love leveling fast, but once I finish off my rested XP bonus I switch to a different character, pretty much trying to be as efficient as I can in my leveling. The problem is I'm not getting a lot of play time on each character before I switch to another when I'm at a low level, so that when I come back I have to spend time relearning how to play that class since I never really had enough time to get in the groove the last time I used that character. I guess I can't complain about it though, being able to stick a character in the inn for a month and then have 5 levels worth of rested bonus wouldn't be very fair to those that don't use alts or play so often they rarely see the rested bonus at all.

I'm progressing pretty well on the mage, now questing in Stonetalon, will be moving on to Ashenvale pretty soon. Actually I had a lot of trouble with this cave full of kobolds in Stonetalon, the problem being some of them had earthshock, which dealt a lot of damage and interrupted whatever spell I was casting at the time. The only way to deal with these guys was to root them, then back away pretty far to get out of range of the shock and start casting again. It got pretty annoying in the cave since it was pretty cramped and the mobs were all close together so backing away wasn't alway safe, but I made it with no deaths and got that quest out of the way. I was also having a little trouble with the Venture Co. mobs, mostly because there were so many rocks and trees around the area that I could pull one and another one that I couldn't see before would come with it. It's not easy being a squishy.

I guess I need to decide what character to use next. I still haven't started my paladin yet, but I'm not all that excited about him, I like to solo a lot and pallies seem to be one of the worst solo classes as they don't kill things very fast, not even when you spec retribution. I think I might go back to either my druid or my priest and quest on further into Outland since it will introduce me to some new scenery. I also haven't touched my shaman in a while, but she's just gonna have to wait until I'm ready for her again, maybe when my Outland characters run out of their rested bonus.

I guess that's all for this weekend's WoW activities, lots of crazy RL stuff happened and I had very little play time to work with, hopefully that will change this week.

1 comment:

Celina said...

Just stumbled upon you today. Going to put a link to your blog! I am going through a bit of a time trying to pick a new alt to stick with and level as well. I am going back and forth between my pally and mage.