Friday, April 18, 2008


I love this emote. When I first started playing and was grouping with my friend all the time we would use this all the time when running from place to place, with one of us autofollowing the other. That's one thing I miss about my little rogue, because gnomes have the best sound for this one. While most other races make the regular old "Woooo woooo" sound, the gnomes switch it up and go "Weeeeoooo weeeeeoooo!" Go ahead, try it out on your non-gnome character, then if you have a gnome try it on him, otherwise make one and try it, you can delete him afterwards. Now that my friend quit, I can't do that anymore, but I find other ways to implement this particular emote.

Now what I do is search for people to follow, just to mess with them. They might be running around one of the main cities, maybe they're traveling between zones, or just going to do their next quest, but I'll /follow them and hit the emote a couple times and see what they do. I love watching their reactions. Most stop for a few seconds, maybe turn around, but ultimately they'll keep going without saying a word. Some of them don't seem to care and just go about their business, but the best is when they actually say something to you. I dunno, some people are just set off by the smallest things, and I've gotten quite a few angry whispers from the ones I do this to, and it's pretty funny. Is it really worth getting mad about? I could see getting mad if I was slowing your progress or otherwise hindering you in some way, but I never do it more than a few times before continuing on my way. I just think it's funny watching people get all worked up about something so trivial.

Speaking of trivial things, why do we all find it necessary to jump all the time while we're running around? Don't tell me you don't do this, because everyone does. It's even part of the reason I love playing night elves, they do a flip half the time. I really didn't like the blood elf spin when I first started one though, made me feel like a pansy, but now I'm used to it so it isn't so bad. Still makes you look like a pansy though. I remember when I got my first mount and proceeded to jump around in circles in front of my friend for I don't know how long. It just seems like the norm in MMO's is if there's a jump function, we use it, and we use it a ridiculous amount. I played City of Heroes when it first came out (only for the free trial month though, lost interest after that) and the same thing was going on, except the people that could fly. So why do we do this? I don't know. It's not like it serves any purpose, I think we just like clicking and hitting keys instead of just running, and it's one of the things you can do that won't really have an affect but gives you something to do. Ever bored on the computer and just sit on the desktop and highlight crap over and over? Well jumping around like an idiot is the MMO version of that.


Celina said...

My daughter is very easily entertained by my Tauren doing /train. Every time she sees her she remembers and asks for it.

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