Monday, January 19, 2009

The hunt is on

It seems that no matter what class you are, those Nesingwary quests in Nagrand just take forever to complete. Not to say it didn't give me a good amount of leather, but it still wasn't all that much quicker than the first time I did it. I guess killing 30 of each thing is just going to take a while.

The disappointing thing is that even with how many skins I was able to get, I still don't think it's enough to get my druid's leatherworking skill up to 375 where I can start to use the Borean Leather he's been collecting in Northrend. Looks like I'll have to do some farming at some point.

In the meantime, it doesn't look like my hunter's rested XP bonus will last her until she hits 70, at least not at the rate I'm going. I can see the end of it, and I'm about halfway through level 67, so by the time I hit 68 it will be almost gone. She's also getting close to finishing up Nagrand. She's on the tail end of most of the quests right now and should be moving on pretty soon, which means 2 more levels in another zone.

I'm thinking I'll head over to Shadowmoon Valley next. There are some interesting quests over there which go pretty quickly, and my first time there I didn't actually get to see most of it because I hit 70 part way though.

But first I'll have to spend some time on my mage and the rest of my low level hordies while the hunter builds up her rested bonus again. Then it will be time to get her the rest of the way to 70 before she takes a rest for a while.

On a side note, I've noticed most of my posts recently have been about my planning for my various characters, what I expect to accomplish with them, who to play next, stuff like that. I'm not sure if this is interesting to people or not, and if not I apologize, but getting it written down like this really helps in my thinking process.

In the past I would sign into the game, then sit there for about ten minutes thinking about which character I wanted to play, trying to figure out the most efficient, and then another 5 minutes second guessing myself before finally either just picking something and going with it, or giving up and exiting the game to do something else.

Now I can do all my thinking here, make a plan, reason it out in writing, and then when it comes time to play I have a clears sense of exactly what I want to do next and maybe even what I will be doing the next few times I play.

Hopefully that makes sense. This isn't to say I won't bring up some topics sometimes that have to do with game mechanics and how I see them, but those come to me on a whim, so I really can't plan on writing about stuff like that, it's just something that is maybe triggered by something that happened while playing or maybe something I read on another blog that I feel I should make my own post about.

That's enough rambling for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Nesingwary quests didn't go as slowly as I feared when found them. Fortunately the needed creatures are close together and re-spawn quickly. Many times for kill quests with large numbers I spend more time looking for stuff to bash than actually bashing it.

I actually ran the whole series almost completely twice. When I got as far as the end three quests for the elite creatures I couldn't find anyone else to group with.

I came back the next night and found someone else doing the quests, except he had only just finished the *first* clefthoof quest and was halfway through the *first* talbuk quest.

So I helped him do the windroc quest and all three second stages before we moved on to the elites.

Things went much faster with two of us.