Thursday, January 15, 2009

On to Nagrand

I finally managed to finish off Zangarmarsh on my hunter last night before logging out. Not only that, but I dinged the quest and exploring achievements for the zone, and hit level 66.

I'm really realizing just how awesome of a solo character my hunter really is. I never have to ask for help, and the only time I think I remember dying while questing in Zangarmarsh is when my internet went out but I didn't disconnect right away so I was getting beat on by invisible mobs, then I logged back in and found myself dead.

Doing all the quests in each zone is no problem, even the group quests, so not only am I able to get those achievements, but also the extra XP and sometimes even a good quest reward that I can use.

Does it really matter anymore if you side with the Aldor or Scryers? It doesn't seem like those rep rewards are that useful anymore now that level 70 isn't the cap. I ended up siding with the Aldor, if for no other reason than my other two characters that made it through Outland did the same and I'm used to going up that elevator already.

Next up I will be moving on to Nagrand to roam the plains. I'm a little worried about the end of the Nesingwary quests, not because I expect them to be too difficult, but because the reward is a gun and not a bow.

I'm not a big fan of guns.

I've stuck to a bow from the start, but I know the gun reward will be a big upgrade to what I'm currently walking around with so it wouldn't make sense not to take it. This also means I'd need a new ammo pouch, so hopefully I can find something cheap that holds a good amount of ammo.

Other than that I'm expecting Nagrand to go very smoothly. I probably won't hit 70 there, but I expect to be level 69, or close to it, when I finish it off, especially since the end of my rested XP bonus bar is nowhere in sight.

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