Monday, September 15, 2008

The routine

As you may or may not have noticed, I'm usually a little late in my breaking news announcements, so late, in fact, that it is usually no longer breaking news. Like today, I could have surprised all of you with the news that the WotLK expansion will be released on November 13th. But of course, you've already read that somewhere else.

I blame my tardiness mainly on the fact that I live in California, meaning most of the rest of the country is awake and blogging before me. Not to mention how many bloggers are in Europe, it's a pretty popular game over there too from what I can tell.

My routine when I come into work and get on the computer is not to start work immediately. There are other priorities, such as my usual web comics and message boards that I have to check first. Then I go grab a bowl of cereal, that my company luckily provides, since I don't have time to eat before getting to work.

I also tend to read all the latest blog updates of everyone else that you see on my blogroll before I even start my post. Since I don't have access to most of the official WoW sites from work, I'm very limited on where I get my WoW related news and have to get it from other people.

So here I am writing this post, and not really having anything else to write about. I was out of town for the weekend and didn't get to play at all, so no updates as far as my in-game playing goes.

I guess the other problem is my gaming is not committed entirely to WoW at the moment. As you may remember, I am also making my way through the Warcraft II campaigns, and while those don't seem to take a lot of time, once I actually finish a level I am usually surprised at what the clock says.

I also just got Rock Band 2. I can't explain how much I love this game. I love rock music, I love videogames, and bringing them together like this is just genius. I had the first Rock Band, but it was stolen from my house in a burglary. Now I have it back, and it's even better. I'm not sure how this will affect my WoW playing, but it will obviously be negatively. The limiting factor is how tiring it is to play the drums, so that might help keep my play time on that game down.

On top of all that I will be starting a new workout routine, which I stated in a previous post, as soon as I get the equipment I need. That's going to take up an hour a day, and this time I want to stick with it and actually get into shape, unlike my three days a week or less that I was getting before. It won't be easy, but once I get into a routine I think I can keep it up. I won't forgive myself if I let this desk job I ended up with make me fat. Sitting and playing WoW doesn't help me out there either, but this routine should counteract that.

Hopefully I will have more to talk about tomorrow, I just haven't had time to think about any topics, but even now I have some ideas of things that I will probably discuss coming up this week. Happy Monday everybody, don't work too hard.

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