Thursday, September 25, 2008

To achieve or...

Oh achievements, how I love and despise you. Like many of the other altoholics out there, I'm a completionist, and while I may set fairly modest goals for myself, my overall goal is the same:

Do everything in the game.

Will I ever reach that goal? Nope, but I would if I could, and I'm going to try to come as close as I can. Of course that will probably end up being just a small fraction of what there is to do, but I'll still aim high.

So now they decide to put achievements in the game, and most players like me are complaining. No, not that we'll never get them all, we know that already. We're complaining about achievements that can only be accomplished in a limited amount of time, and then are no longer achievable.

So far this would include the 2008 Summer Olympics and Brewfest achievements, but I assume if they are going to stick with this method it will apply to other in-game holidays too.

Actually, since most of these holidays happen every year, they can still make achievements that have something to do with participating, but those achievements should be very generic and apply to that holiday every year.

In the case of the olympics, I think the little dragon pet is enough to show you participated, they really don't need an achievement to accompany that. If you want to show off, pull out your pet, you won't need to take up inventory space with them soon anyway so you can always have it around.

I guess I'm hoping they put a little more thought into whether or not to include achievement that can't be accomplished at a later date, mainly because every time I see that I wasn't able to do it and that I won't even have a chance at it I will be pissed off.

On the bright side, this will give me even more stuff to do. I usually make a point of exploring every zone, so the world traveler achievement should be pretty easy for me. I'm just wondering if you need to actually go everywhere, or just uncover the map. Sometimes it will tell you "discovered (insert area in zone here)" but it doesn't actually uncover any more of your map. Do we need these too or just the map filled in?

I guess we'll find out all the details when the achievements are actually implemented. For now I anticipate they will be a good addition to the game, even if some of the details are not to my liking.

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