Monday, March 10, 2008

Stop...Hunter time!

I have decided to pick up my hunter again and give the priest a little break. I finished up Hellfire Peninsula on the priest, at least all but the elite quests, and she's over halfway to 64, so I think that's a pretty good time for her to get a little rest. So after what quests I had left in Hellfire, which turned out to be pretty easy to solo (I love when they give you an item to turn an elite mob into non elite), I turned in the quests and then logged off. I logged onto my hunter, and I thought I had a good idea of where I was at point with her, but apparently I was a little off. Thats one problem with having a bunch of alts, you lose track of what you were doing last time you played one if it's been a while. So I log on thinking I'm gonna be heading to the Badlands, but I see a bunch of Uldaman quests in my log, most of them having Badlands quests that lead up to them, so apparently I've already been there and done all those. I'm not really sure if I've been to Swamp of Sorrows yet, but my STV quests are slightly higher level than me right now, so I think I will check it out and see if I can gain another level or two somewhere else before going back there. Also, with the addition of these new Dustwallow Marsh quests, it should be pretty easy to level up a couple times and then come back to STV and finish it up, especially for a hunter.

I think I may have mentioned before, but while my hunter is a Night Elf, she has a ghostclaw lynx from Eversong Forest, the Blood Elf starting area. I took the long trip over there at level 12 and grabbed one, since it's the only place you can get one with those colors and I thought it would be cool for an Alliance hunter to have one, but I also wanted her to level up with me, so I died a bunch of times, but I finally made it and she's done very well for me. I named her Lynxia. At some point I want to get a black wolf as well, but I think the lowest level one of those is 47 or 48, so I have a few levels to go. I'm not sure if there's any point in having two pets until I get to the end game though, I've been hearing it's impossible to keep two pets up to your level, so I may wait on that. I supposed I should also get a tank pet, probably a turtle since they not only have the stats for it, but one of their skills is specifically for tanking and it would be nice to have that option available for certain situations. So between those three pets I think I'd be set, with the DPS pet that I currently have with my cat, the balanced pet in the wolf, and the tank pet in the turtle.

One other thing about leveling a hunter is I don't have much experience with gear on them, especially weapons. While pretty much every other class upgrades melee weapons regularly, it seems the more important weapon for a hunter is their ranged weapon, so I have been trying to keep up on that, but I'm not used to being on the lookout for a good upgrade to my gun or bow. So far I have really only upgraded when I saw a better one drop or got a quest reward, but with all my high level characters on the same server, it might be a good idea to just farm for one in an instance that will last her for a while. I also want to pick up some pieces of mail armor, since she's still wearing a bunch of leather right now as she's only level 41 and hasn't had a chance to replace her old armor yet. I was thinking of grabbing the set from Scarlet Monastery, or some of it at least, I wasn't sure if some of the pieces were still BOP, or what stats it gives since I can't get on any of the database sites from work, but I can't think of any other armor that would be so easy to farm for to help out a character at this level, although there might be some better stuff in Uldaman now that I think about it, I'll have to look that up. I'm a little excited about running with my hunter again, she was always fun to play and while it tends to make questing a little less of a challenge, I can push myself to take on greater challenges to make up for it so it's still rewarding when you succeed. Plus being able to take on same level elite mobs is awesome.

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