Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I just had to say it. Even though most of the people in the game that say it are annoying as hell. I was in a guild once where one of the members was leveling an alt that he also had join the guild. Seriously, starting at level 1 he said "DING" for every single level up until I quit the guild, and at those low levels it's like every 10 minutes.

But I'm getting off subject. The important thing is I FINALLY HAVE A LEVEL 70!!

Remember yesterday I said I would have big news soon? Did you even read yesterday's post? And those of you who did, did you guess what I was talking about?

Well this is it, and I'm pretty proud of myself. At the end there I almost couldn't do it. I keep seeing all this cool new stuff about the new expansion and while some of it has to do with druids, I also want to make sure my other characters are in a pretty good position to experience it as well.

First thing I did was port to Moonglade and learn all my level 70 skills, as well as use the last talent point my druid will get until the next expansion. Then I logged out and took a few minutes to let the excitement fade a little.

Some of you may think getting to 70 is just the start, and for you that may be true, but for me it's a goal I've been striving to reach for a while. It would be nice if it wasn't so close to expansion release or I would look into doing some dailies to get my epic flying skill, but that will have to wait while I work on other characters.

I hopped on my priest to see where she's at and it looks like she is much closer to 300 tailoring than I thought. She's actually at 295 right now and if I could get my hands on some Ironweb Spider Silk I could level her the rest of the way up. How is that stuff not on the AH on my server? You pretty much have to have it to level your tailoring to 300. I expected to find it way overpriced, but to my surprise it was nowhere to be found. And where can I find Ghost Dye?

For now she's just staying at Honor Hold until she gets more supply of runecloth, then she will be making loads of bolts of netherweave.

I also checked out my hunter and where she's at, although it was too late to actually do anything but look. Apparently I've already completed a bunch of Tanaris, although I do have a few quests left there, then I can head to Un'Goro and beat up on some dinosaurs for a while.

I'm interested to see what this change of pace will feel like. The levels will be coming at me a lot faster now, and while I've been estimating my leveling time based on my druid recently, I'm not sure I even remember how fast the levels come in the 50's. It's also been a while since I've seen a lot of the Azeroth world, and I'm excited to be back in my old stomping grounds.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Belated as I may be, your first 70 is a big freaking deal !!