Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Some very exciting news is coming soon, but not quite yet. I'm sure you can probably figure out what it is if you've been reading this blog, but all I can say is I'm not quite there yet, but I'm very close.

In the meantime, I thought I'd take a look at all the searches people use that end up leading them to this blog. Some of them are quite interesting, and some of them make me wonder how far they went down the list before their search showed that this blog is relevent.

Here we go:

"how to pass items from a horde to alliance character" - This one is tricky, as you either need someone you can trust to help you or take a risk on losing the item. First, both characters need to be on the same server, which means you can't be on a PvP server as you can't be both factions on those. Next, find a neutral auction house, either in Booty Bay or Gadgetzan, and put your item up for auction.

Here's where you take the risk. One relatively safe way is to have a friend you trust that is the same faction as the character you are sending the item to buy the item from that AH and then trade it to the intended character. If you don't have any friends you need to log out and log into the intended character as fast as you can and hope nobody bought the item you put up in the time it takes you to do that. Then you can just buy your own item and you're done. Either way it takes some planning, and make sure to use the exact same AH, I don't think the neutral ones are linked like the faction ones.

"how to change world of warcraft drop rates" - This was a mechanic they had in Diablo 2 where certain equippable items and charms increased drop rates of items. This can't be done in WoW thouhg unless maybe you are on a private server, and if that's the case you can just make yourself some items anyway.

"wow ogre playable" - not yet, and you can read this post on why they probably won't ever be.

"d3 new character" - I don't think anything new has been announced yet, all I know is I'm hoping for the Amazon to make an encore appearance.

"wow worst race troll warrior" - I've heard this too, as apparently the racial abilities of trolls are not nearly as good for warriors as other races. If you really want a troll warrior don't let this stop you though, play how you want, it's all about fun.

"wow zoning" - This isn't really an issue in WoW as there is no loading between the overworld zones. Instances are a different matter, and I think they took a smart approach to this, letting many groups into different instances of the same dungeon so they don't interfere with each other.

"if i transfer a level 70 character to a account can i still make a deathknight" - The only stipulation seems to be having a character of over level 55 on your account, so if that is the case you should be able to do that.

"hate the barrens" - Me too, but I'm not sure what the point of searching for this is, I think Barrens chat would be a better place to talk about this.

"problem with levels 65 at BEM wow" - Yeah, you're probably a little low to be up there, make sure you've gotten most of Terokkar and Nagrand done first, or do some grinding.

"horde player beginner wow" - Well, it's a big game, with lots of stuff to learn, but you don't need to know everything right away, it will take a while before most of the stuff becomes important to you. Take a look at my Beginner Tips on the right sidebar, they can give you some pointers on the early levels and what you should be thinking about up until around level 20 or so.

Any other questions for me are more than welcome. I might not have too much experience with end game content, but for new and leveling characters I have tons.

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