Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Expansion excitement

I'm hearing some good news about new developments for the expansion. If you read other blogs I'm sure you've heard this already, but apparently through the inscription profession you will be able to change the look druid shapeshifted form. Right now there are two, a red lynx cat form and polar bear form.

I really like the direction they are taking in making your characters more customizable. I think for how much the game has to offer, one of the things it was missing is being able to set your character apart from everyone else. Another example is the addition of new tameable pets for hunters and pet talent trees, getting away from those few types of pets that are the best and making each type have its own strengths.

Something I always wanted to see was the ability to change your armor color. We have all these dyes that we can buy from tailoring supply merchants, but they are used only for certain recipes. When I first started the game and saw those dyes I automatically thought that armor color would be customizable, but it didn't turn out that way.

What seems to be holding them back is that certain armor is distinguishable by its color and may look exactly the same as some other armor in all other respects. This lets players in PvP judge the other team before they even start fight and they usually become familiar with what kind of skill they are going up against by what armore their opponents are wearing.

I still would like to see customizable armor colors, but I also know there would be a lot of complaining if that was implemented. If the new armor sets could be all made to look different then I think this has a shot, but for how many different armor models they have to make I don't see that happening.

On a side note, I'm thinking about making a guild to put all my alts in. Right now when they support each other by sending items back and forth in the mail, and while this works fine since they implemented the immediate delivery, I'm finding I have very few spots in each character's bank.

If I made a guild out of them I could combine resources, put all those reagents that get used by all the professions in the guild bank and instead of trying to figure out who has what, I can just look in the bank and grab what I need.

The problem is I'm not really sure how to go about doing this. I don't really have any friends in the game right now, and while I have no problem grabbing a bunch of lowbies to sign a charter to get the guild started, I need some way of inviting each alt. Can you invite someone who isn't online and have them get the invite when they come back on? It doesn't seem like you can, but if anyone knows differently it would really help me out.

The more I think about it, the more this idea seems to be the way to go, now I just need to figure out how to implement it and I will be set.

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