Thursday, August 14, 2008

Olympic distractions

Anybody out there watching the Olympics? Me too, and it is seriously hindering my WoW playing time. Not to say that's a bad thing, but I am eager to hit level 70 and move on to a different character. Druids are fun and all, but variety keeps me in this game and I need a change of pace or I'm gonna burn out.

The problem I'm having is mainly how addictive the Olympics are. On Sunday I was pretty much sitting in front of the TV all day watching various sports. I now know way more about women's gymnastics than I ever thought I would. Did you know Michael Phelps eats about 12,000 calories a day while he is training? That's crazy, but he's obviously burning it all off.

Usually I can play WoW and watch TV at the same time, but with so many big events coming one after the other it's hard not to pay attention to the TV. Every time a gold medal event comes on I find my eyes glued to the TV, and if I do that while playing WoW I usually end up dead when I finally look back at the computer screen.

The other problem is how late the games are on. I mean, I usually go to bed around 11:00, sometimes a little later, but I don't function well on less than 6 hours so I try to get at least that. Now I'm stuck watching the Olympics until past midnight, then I'm dead tired the next day and that usually makes WoW hard to play. I would set my DVR to record them, but I know I'll read about it in the news the next day and then it won't matter, plus I wouldn't have time to watch them before they came on the next night.

It's quite the dilemma, and one that I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to figure out. I guess I will have to start playing during the sports I don't care about, except that even when those sports are on I find myself intrigued by them. Water polo, badminton, volleyball, I end up watching everything.

I did manage to squeeze a little time in last night, enough to do a few quests at least, and I am now about a third of the way from level 69 to 70. It's coming down to the wire folks, and being my first I'm pretty excited about it. Too bad it's so close to the expansion that most end game stuff would be almost a waste of time, but thats why I have my alts.

I hope to be hit 70 early next week sometime, then I can start figuring out what my next move will be. Maybe not as cool as being the greatest Olympic champion of all time, but it's a pretty good accomplishment for me

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