Friday, August 29, 2008

Expand those zones

My hunter is about halfway through the few quests in Azshara and I got to thinking, how come some of the zones are so underdeveloped?

It isn't the only zone with a very limited amount of quests. Swamp of Sorrows and the Blasted Lands also don't have much, at least for Alliance, and up until recently Dustwallow Marsh was pretty useless unless you were going to kill Onyxia.

You may also notice that the later zones run a little lower on quests than the early ones. It's not such a big deal now with the faster leveling, but before that we had a tough time finding enough quests to do to get to level 60. Even so, I would like to see those zones developed a little more. They just seem like optional zones that usually aren't worth going to, but I think making them more viable for leveling would give us some variety in where we choose to go and help us altoholics out a little.

Now with Outlands in the picture we can see that Blizzard figured out that maybe they should put in more than enough quests to get to the level cap rather than just enough. With just enough, you usually had to grind at some point because you would be skipping the group quests. Now some people don't even have to set foot in every zone to get to 70.

And they did this all without taking away the raid content. Actually it seems like there is a lot more to do in end-game raids than with the level 60 stuff, and a lot more end-game content overall as well.

I think the initial idea was to make getting to the level cap a huge challenge, something that not everybody could do, and to get there you had to go pretty much everywhere, or else end up grinding out levels to make up for it. Now grinding isn't worth it, they've made the lower levels go by faster, and Outland has way more than enough quests to get you to 70.

It looks like they figured out that, while leveling may be fun when you haven't experienced anything else, people don't want the level cap goal to be so out of reach that it takes forever to make it there. For those people who don't get to play that much (like me) it gets frustrating when you hear about all the cool stuff at the end and know that it's gonna take forever to get there. Also, grinding sucks and if they want questing to be your main source or XP then they need to give you more than enough quests to get you there.

I guess I was a little intimidated to get to 70 at first because I thought it would be like the trek to 60 that I had endured before the expansion. Now that I have one character at 70, and didn't even have to finish Shadowmoon Valley, let alone even see Netherstorm, I know that when the time comes to make my way through Outland on another character I can go about it in a different way and still get there without having to worry about running out of quests.

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