Monday, August 18, 2008

So close...

As I predicted, I didn't get much time to play this weekend. Went to a couple birthdays and they got me too tired to do anything more than sit and watch TV the rest of the weekend.

I did manage to get myself a little further along the road to 70. I'm probably somewhere close to 2/3 of the way through level 69 and at this pace I should be able to hit 70 sometime this week. It's coming down to the wire, so close I can almost taste it, and then I get to figure out what my next step will be.

It would be nice to get swift flight form on my druid, but it seems like that will take a lot of time, first to collect the money to get my riding skill, then to actually do the quests and run those instances, plus I really want to play another character at this point to get a change of pace.

My priest is sitting at level 63 right now, but after all this time spent in Outland already I'm thinking of taking a break from that and going back to one of my lower level characters. It would be nice to get her to 300 tailoring, but she's in need of runecloth, and a lot of it. Right now she has a ridiculous amount of netherweave just waiting to be used, but I'll need to level up her skill, and I don't want to spend money on the AH if I don't have to.

That's where my hunter and shaman come in. They are both around level 50, have rested XP bonuses filled up, and I think they are ready to do some leveling. I'm thinking the hunter will go first as I really like playing her much more and soloing on a hunter is just so easy. The problem is I think she is ready to start in Un'Goro Crater, which pretty much has nothing in the way of humanoids, and therefore no runecloth drops.

The shammy on the other hand I'm not really sure about. Every time I hop on one of my characters that I haven't played in a while it takes a little time to figure out exactly what I was doing last time and what I will be doing next. I think I just finished up Feralas and her next move is either Tanaris or the Hinterlands. Either way I don't think her runecloth collecting will start until she's ready to take on the Plaguelands.

The change of pace in leveling will be a little bit of a relief from what I've been used to. I'm thinking I'll catch up to my rested bonus in the same amount of time it was taking my druid to get half a level worth of XP, maybe even less. I'm sort of looking forward to when these characters take on Outlands and I have to figure out different ways of making it through all those quests.

The big difference I think will be that on my druid I had stealth, and then at level 68 I got flight form. Since most of the time I could just stealth past most mobs if I didn't want to fight, it may have hindered my leveling rate. Then getting flight form I could just drop in, do the quest, and fly away, fighting one or two mobs instead of 15 to get to the quest objective.

I wonder how much faster these up and coming characters will level up compared to my druid. On the one hand I won't be able to sneak past everything to get the quest done, which means more mobs and more XP from that. On the other hand I won't be getting that quest turn-in XP as quickly because of the fact that I'll be getting stuck killing mobs rather than turning in the quests. It's a trade off, and I expect these characters will hit level 70 before they do many of the quests my druid had to do, but I'm not sure if the time it takes will be any less.

No matter what it will be a long time before I even think about getting to 70 with another character with how often I play, and at that point 70 won't even be the level cap anymore. This game is gonna keep me occupied for a good long while.

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