Tuesday, December 2, 2008

70 priest and feralization

After a lot of playing over the last couple weeks I finally managed to push my priest the rest of the way to 70. With only 4 bars left to go it didn't take too long, and after turning in those last few finished quests I dropped the rest and made my way back to Stormwind.

While there I learned my new spells and then decided to clear up some inventory space. How did I do this? Well, I put away all the enchanting mats that I will probably never use because they are for low level enchants.

In the process I decided to see about getting my enchanting to 300 so I could use all the mats that I got from disenchanting Outland stuff.This turned out to be harder than I thought it would be. Pretty much all the enchants I had that were orange at my level used Eternal Essences of some sort, and I had none and nothing to disenchant.

I ended up looking up enchanting leveling guides and found an enchant that would help: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina. It was yellow to me, but only used 5 Dream Dust, which I had in great excess. I ended up getting my enchanting to 286 before I ran out (which is 18 levels on just that one enchant). Now I'm stuck again, but I'll figure it out later.

On to my druid, who I finally sent over to Northrend. Of course I didn't do my homework and was confused when I went to Stormwind Harbor and found only one boat that would take me there when I thought there would be two. Then I read that to get to Howling Fjord you have to take the boat from Menethil.

I didn't really have a preference, so I just went to Borean Tundra anyway since I'll be going to Howling Fjord after I'm done there.

My first impressions of Northrend? It's very cool. Finally we have some buildings with new layouts. No more of these keeps and inns that all have the exact same floorplans. The variety of quests is nice too. Rewiring harvesters, throwing nets on flying mobs, unlatching a mine cart, uncovering cult members, and that's just to name a few.

Actually when I first got there I still hadn't redistributed my talent points since they were refunded last, and upon fighting my first mob I found I had no Mangle in the '2' position like it's supposed to be. I guess that's as good a time as any to research feral druid talent builds.

I found a pretty good one that seemed to go for all the cat talents, since I'll be leveling mostly as a cat, and after making a few tweaks to it I had my new talent build all set up. It's pretty crazy how fast mobs go down now. My gear is just quest greens and a few blues from Outland, but the damage I put out now is crazy.

After doing the first few quests I got some significant upgrades to my gear and now I'm having no problem taking down multiple mobs in succession with little to no downtime. My crit rate in cat form is over 30%, which is awesome, and I get to see crits pop up all the time now. I'm also noticing a lack of strength on most of the leather items and instead they include agility and +attack power. I assume these are the stats to look for now.

If the rest of Northrend is as interesting as the little that I've seen so far I think I'm going to have a lot of fun making my way through, although it won't go nearly as fast as most of you are probably going.

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