Monday, December 22, 2008

Cruising through Hellfire and the future

I wouldn't say it's necessarily much easier for my hunter to make it through zones, but it is definitely much faster. I made it to level 63 last night, and I probably still have enough quests left in Hellfire Peninsula to get me at least halfway to 64 before I move on.

Now I need to start planning my next move. Do I go on to Zangarmarsh? Do I just skip that and go to Terokkar?

I think my main goal is questing in Nagrand. With the Nesingwary quests having you kill so many skinnable mobs, it just seems like a no-brainer when I need to supply my druid with some leather to get his leatherworking up.

One bad thing about leveling up so fast is the lack of gold. With it taking fewer quests to get through the levels, that means fewer rewards, and fewer mobs I have to kill, which translates to much less cash than I was used to earning. Both my hunter and my shaman need their epic ground mount riding skill, and this doesn't help the funding. I want to get that for both of them before they head to Northrend.

Actually another problem I will be running soon is my rested XP bonus. I'm getting close to catching up, and then I will have to put my hunter on hold for a while to build it back up. At this point I'm thinking I might not want to switch over to another character that's just starting Outland. I do have a Horde death knight, and the questing would be different, but I think I want a change of scenery more than anything at this point.

So that comes down to choosing between my other Horde characters. My mage is the furthest along, which means he has the most potential for some new stuff that I haven't seen before.

Right now I see some pretty good potential for my Horde characters to make their way through the game in different ways. My mage should finish up Ashenvale, then maybe make his way through Thousand Needles, and hopefully be level 35 at that point, which is when I will send him to STV and the gankfest that I expect to be a part of there.

This means I will have skipped a few areas, in the 25-35 range, and leaves them open for any of my other Hordies to level through. The big ones are Desolace and Arathi Highlands, and there are a few quests to do in the Alterac Mountains that the mage may not need to utilize before moving on to STV.

Looking to the future, it also seems that with how much there is to do in that zone it will be another 10 levels before he leaves, which will mean even more zones in that level range he will be skipping. I'll have to wait and see how it all turns out, but ever since they accelerated leveling I've noticed that you really don't need to do much zone jumping to make it through the levels, you can usually just use one zone to make it through a particular level range.

Overall I think it will do very nicely in making sure I don't have to repeat too many of the same quests on my Horde characters like I used to with my Alliance characters. It will take a little planning on my part, but I don't see myself becoming bored with doing all the same quests but on different characters. They will overlap a little, but not nearly to the extent that we went through in the early days.

It will be interesting to see how this all turns out.

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