Friday, December 19, 2008

Invincible Pet

I got a chance to play for a while last night, and logged onto my hunter. Remember yesterday how I said I wasn't feeling it? Well forget that, it was great.

First I took out some fel orc blade throwers. Just tossed some fire in there and they burned to the ground. When I went to turn in the quest, they rewarded me with a brand new bow...or so I thought.

I made my way to Expedition Point to help out against the Legion, and they asked me to blow up some portals, and then blow up some more portals, and then they flew me up to a floating island to continue helping.

Did I mention my new bow? Yeah, so I found out the hard way that it actually isn't a bow, it's a crossbow, and I had never used one before so I was missing left and right for a while. See, you can usually tell the type of weapon just by looking at the picture, but this one looked like a bow in the picture, so I equipped it and went on my way.

Luckily for me, my core hound pet apparently can't die. I just sent him in to attack mobs and fired from a distance. Of course most of my shots weren't hitting for a while, so he pretty much took the mobs out by himself, and had no trouble at all.

Then I saw a rare spawn walking around the Legion camp I was attacking. Sure I couldn't hit with most of my shots, but let the pet tank him and keep mend pet up and I should be fine. Well, not only did I take out the rare spawn, but two adds that showed up halfway through the fight, and the pet had no problem staying alive. I also got an achievement for it, which was a great surprise.

I also saw an elite felguard come through one of the portals, and decided I'd see how the pet would hold up against him. Well Feign Death was still on cooldown, but I didn't see any other mobs around. I sent in the pet, just as a mob spawned on top of me, and with no FD to get out of it, I ran, leaving the pet to fend for himself.

Eventually I lost aggro on the mob and made my way back. The pet was still there, and while I had expected him to be dangerously low on health, he was only down to half. I threw a Mend Pet on him and we took out that elite with almost no trouble, it just took a while because I was still missing a lot.

Well after my bombing runs on some portals, they thought I did such a good job that I should go bomb the Abyssal Shelf, where a bunch of Legion forces are posted. I remember the first time I did that quest over a year ago and I had to take two flights to kill everything I was supposed to. This time I was done halfway through and just spent the rest of the time bombing even more stuff.

They decided they could use my help at Honor Point once I got back, so I was flown up there to see what I could do. I basically killed lots of stuff and then shut down their portal. Not too exciting, and then I made my way back to Honor Hold so I could set out on my next quests.

All those will have to wait til later though, because at that point it was time to call it a night, so I will have some more fel orc killing to do, then head over to the haunted garrison to retrieve a book, and I might even make my way into the mine under Honor Hold to clear out the bad guys.

Oh, the hunter also managed to hit level 61, and her crossbow skill is now at 300 so I shouldn't be missing so much anymore. At this pace she'll be at least level 63 before she even leaves Hellfire Peninsula.

I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I guess I can't complain about leveling faster. I'll just have to be picky about which zones she levels in. I know for sure that she'll be going to Nagrand though. I can't pass up all that leather, and being a hunter she kinda has to do the Nesingwary quests there, it's just an unwritten rule.

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