Thursday, February 7, 2008

Alliance are jerks!

No, I'm not an angry Horde player that hates all Alliance, I'm actually commenting on this from a standpoint of playing both sides. I've come to notice that while most servers have Alliance as the majority, I tend to be able to find help a lot more easily while playing on one of my Horde characters. Now I'm not saying the Allies won't help you out. I was in a pretty good guild on my first toon as I was working my way through the levels, had a bunch of 60s that would help you out of they weren't busy with something else, but I'm talking about finding a couple people in the area to kill that elite for a quest you all have.

Not too long ago I had my Draenei shaman in Stromgarde, you know, the place in Arathi that used to have a bunch of elite human mobs, but with patch 2.3 they are normal now. Anyway, I was soloing most of the guys, not too hard, but I took a look at the guy you have to kill at the top of the keep and realized not only would he be tough to solo, but he had adds with him. Well I worked on gathering some more badges for one of the other quests and lo and behold two more Allies show up, presumably to do the same quests, so looks like I'll get some help after all. I ask them if they're doing the answer. Ask them if I can join them...once again no answer. So I followed them around for a while, watched them do exactly what I was just doing, even followed them up the keep and watched them kill the main guy! Well I was pretty pissed. Wouldn't putting me in your group make it that much easier and faster? You're getting the quest done either way, why not get someone to else to make it go quicker? Well I waited for the mob to respawn and killed him before his adds respawned, so I still did it, but I still wasn't happy about what just happened. Then as I'm leaving I run by the same two guys, and one of them actually asks me where to find a certain mob for one of the other quests!!! WTF!?!? It's situations like this that made me decide to just stick to soloing. No worrying about people being douches.

So yesterday I was running around the Ghostlands with my new Undead mage and saw a couple guys questing in the same area. Alright, I'm gonna risk it and ask them if they are killing a certain elite I needed to kill, Kel'Gash I think, and at first he responds 'no', so figure OK, thats fine, I'll kill him in a few levels. About 20 seconds later the guy says, "oh yeah, actually I do have that quest" and proceeds to invite me to his group and we kill the guy easily. Gee, that almost never happens when I play one of my Alliance characters, I wonder why.

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