Thursday, February 28, 2008

What's going on here?

I didn't get to play at all yesterday. Sad. I do have a question though. What happened to the NPCs on the boats? I don't remember what patch it was, but one of the recent ones added NPCs to all the boats, and I assume zeppelins, although I didn't play my horde characters during that time. I had always thought they needed somebody on the boat, otherwise who is steering the thing? Not only that, but having a vendor on the boat was nice as well, even better being a tailor so you can buy all your threads and such and craft some items while you wait to get moving. So at this point I just want to know the reason why they took those out, or whether they even announced they were doing it or not, because I don't remember reading anything about it, I just one day noticed they weren't there anymore. I suppose zoning those NPCs between continents may have caused problems or lag or something, but hopefully if that's the case they will fix it and put them back in, if nothing else they at least make the boats seem less devoid of life. Anybody know what happened to them?

I'm also a little lost with what to do with my rogue. Right now he's just a bank mule, but he's the first character I leveled to 60 and the only one I've really done any end game content with, so I feel kinda bad abandoning him to be a bank mule (not sure why, he's a computer game character, but still). I think what I'm stuck on the most is how to spec him to make me want to play again. I was specced combat before, with a dagger in the main hand and sword in offhand, and I did a good amount of damage I thought, usually topped dps on 5-man instances, which is really all I was ever able to do with the crappy gear I had. Now I'm not really sure what to put points into, I haven't done much research on rogue talents, and the last time I had to respec was after TBC came out and I had no idea what I was doing. Back before the expansion we had to get into the subtlety tree to get to Improved Sap, which gave a 90% chance to use sap without breaking stealth, now you can just sap and not worry about it, so I don't even know if the subtlety tree is worth it. I mainly like to solo, and I've been seeing that combat swords is the way to go for maximum burst damage, since I won't be going up against many mobs where I need sustained dps, but how much different is combat daggers from swords? Not that my daggers are that good anyway, but I always liked backstab, and there are other skills that require daggers that seem like they'd be helpful. I guess I just would like some input on rogue skills and what kind of point distributions are good for leveling with the current talent trees. Damn, I need to respec my druid too...

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