Friday, February 22, 2008

Lock it up

Warlock that is. It's one of those classes I've always wanted to get up to a high level, and now with the felguard pet at the end of the demonology tree, I want to play one even more. Sure people call them overpowered, but thats exactly why it would be cool to play one, just to wreak havoc on everyone. Another thing that caught my eye is the ability to summon an infernal, which is cool by in it's own right, but then I was reading one of Ratshag's (Need More Rage) older posts about summoning an infernal in the middle of an lowbie Alliance town and just letting it go, and I thought that was an awesome idea. I assume when you summon one it would attack you first (not sure since I've never done it), but just let yourself die and then come back and watch it run around killing all the little lowbies for a while. I dunno, maybe it would get old after a few times, and it isn't the only reason I want to play a warlock, but I think it would be funny to do every so often when I'm bored.

So anyway, started my lock out in Eversong Forest, got to level 10 in about 3 hours and then called it a night. I've started warlocks before, but never got past about level 12 or so, not really sure why, but I'm interested in playing one up to the high levels, getting more pet options, and figuring out what skills they use to make everyone fear them in PVP. I still love the Blood Elf starting area and how they lay out all the quests so if you plan it out right you can do a circuit around a certain area and complete 3 or 4 quests at the same time without having to do too much running around. On my various other characters I noticed the older starting areas, while fairly well planned out, tended to have a similar layout, with one small area for about level 1-5, then the town that gave out all the quests up until about level 10-12, depending on how you go about them. Now that setup was fine as it was, but they tended to have quests that would send you all the way across the map, then when you complete it and turn it in, it would send you all the way across the map again for the follow up, and all that running could get annoying after a while. The new starting areas tend to have a town, plus 1 or 2 other places that give out quests close to where you need to go to complete the quest. This newer arrangement no doubt came from the fact that they increased the level cap and are now pushing to make leveling before Outlands faster, paired with the changes in patch 2.3 that changed the experience rate from level 20-60 and it will be a much faster push to get to Outland right from the get go.

I like the level progression, and while I tell myself it will be fun once I reach the level cap, I'm not sure how I will feel about it when I actually get there. I did it before when the cap was 60 and tried running some of the 5 man instances at the time, but I was getting bored looking for good groups, running the same instance over and over to get a certain piece of armor without any luck, all the stuff you do when you can't level up anymore. At the time I told myself it was because I was a rogue and they have trouble finding a PUG, plus the fact that my guild was raiding ZG and MC and it was hard to get a group together for the "lesser" instances because most of them didn't need anything from those places. Now I'm not really sure how it will be when I get there. I know there is a lot more stuff to do now, with many instances, daily quests, and all the PVP activities with the arenas and battlegrounds, so hopefully I will find something I like to do once I actually get there. I'm thinking I'll try my hand at some BG's and gather up some of those "welfare epics" people are talking about, but those might be the only kind of epics I have a chance of getting since I don't really have time to raid, I can't really justify giving priority to a videogame over other things. And if I still don't like it, I have enough toons to keep me busy for a long time, there's no way I will get all of them to the level cap, especially with it getting raised again so soon.

In other news, it's Friday and I am ready for the weekend, so I'm gonna leave it at that and I will be back next week with any news of what I do over the weekend, assuming I find free time to play.

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