Wednesday, February 6, 2008

You play WoW like a girl!!!

But wait, how would playing WoW like a girl be any different than like a guy? Why would it be bad?

Well you didn't let me finish. I never said it was bad, but it most definitely is different. Now like most of you I started out with a character of my own gender, a male character, played through to 60 like that, started an alt, also male, and have managed to get him to 60 as well. Then one day my roommate says, "Why don't you make a female character and make the game easier on yourself? Most of those nerds playing the game are starving for attention from a female and will be more than willing to help you with anything you need." Funny thing is, not only did he turn out to be right, it was even easier to do than I thought it would be. I could go to pretty much any zone and ask for help and get about five group invites right off the bat, and they didn't even need to see my toon, just the fact that I had a female sounding name was enough. If you play a male character you know this never happens. Sometimes I even get hit on by Horde (through emotes) and it's nice to not get ganked every 5 minutes trying to quest in STV. And acting like a girl is so easy it's almost ridiculous, all you have to do is say "hehe" when you decide to type out your laughter. You can pretty much talk however you want, maybe flirt a little, but the "hehe" is key to making your femininity believable. Well my three remaining Alliance toons are females now, the priest just hit 60 last week, /cheer for idealized female character bodies!

Alright, I know it isn't the most honest thing to do, but at least I'm not one of those guys that makes a female toon just to go to the inns and hop up on the table and /dance with no clothes on...alright I've done that, but only a few times, don't judge me.

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