Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Time to rage

No, I'm not pissed off, but I did start up my Tauren Warrior, he's level 9 now. See, I created characters ahead of time so I'd be sure to get the name I want, and a lot of the time I'm surprised at which names I try are already taken. My character names tend to be taken from books or TV shows or something, and I try to pick them so they fit in as a fantasy name, rather than some sort of screen name that you would use on a message board. Sure I don't play on a RP server, but seeing some Ally toon running around called 'Hordesux' is just annoying. Try being creative at least with your name.

Anyway, I was originally going to go with a troll warrior, mainly because I like trolls for some reason, maybe because of the WC2 axe throwers, those guys were awesome. Then I took a look at the racials and they suck for a warrior, pretty much the worst racials you could have as a warrior on the Horde side, maybe out of any race. So I went with a Tauren, with increased health and Warstomp I had no trouble picking him. I don't particularly like Mulgore all that much, too spread out and with a serious lack of roads so that to get anywhere you either have to fight endlessly on the way or you're stuck running from aggroed mobs the entire way which may or may not lose aggro once you actually get to where you're going. Now Durotar isn't much better, but at least when you finish there and start the Barrens (which I'm not looking forward to) you don't have a bunch of running to do before you get back to stuff your level. Oh well, I'll push through it and then start in on the Horde stuff that I've never done before. I plan on going with a Fury build at first, Dual Wield, and no idea what I'm gonna be doing for an end game build, but that really depends on if I actually get to that point with him or not. I've only ever made it to endgame content once, and then they raised the level cap and I got tired of that character. We'll see how it goes, but I like him so far, just bashing heads and not taking much damage in the process.

On the topic of racials, I can't help but notice that while all the classes have their racial abilities, priests are the only class that it makes such a big difference on. Sure the troll racials are crap for a warrior, but you can still do it with hardly any more trouble than with any other race. But the priest has not only the racials you start out with, but some of the skills you learn later on are based on race too. I didn't know this when I started my priest and I went night elf, later to learn that at the time it was probably the worst race to pick for a priest. Starshards was terrible as it was a channeled spell, I still never use Elune's Grace, and you have the dwarves with Fear Ward and undead with Devouring Plague, a bonus DOT. I wonder if Blizzard decided later on that they didn't like the race you pick to matter that much, because a few patches ago they changed those skills entirely, making Starshards basically a bonus DOT that was also free to cast, and making Fear Ward a skill usable by all priests. I think the point of this change was the even the playing field, giving all priests equal ability. Notice that none of the other classes are like this, and while they can't take away those skills at this point, they can change them so that us NE priests aren't so screwed by our lack of research into the subject. BTW, I started a priest for the sole purpose of getting Shadowform, and not really because I like the bonus it gives, but because it just looks so cool, especially when you're on your mount, but now she's probably one of my favorite toons to play, shadow priests are just awesome.

Once again I'm having trouble sticking to one character for any amount of time. Usually I play one until their rest XP runs out, but now I'm switching around way more often than that. It's just so much more fun to fly through all the low level quests, gaining levels like crazy, buying new skills ever half hour, than it is running around high level areas, being careful about when you pull a mob so as not to pull to many, always watching your back for pats, and being all around much more tedious. I did like the 5-man instances and the way the group dynamic worked, especially when you had people who knew what they were doing, but I think if I actually get to end game stuff I'll be more into the PVP, specifically the BG's because I think it makes the game feel more like the Warcraft RTS games, but instead you're one of the grunts rather than the one commanding them. I look forward to getting pwnd for a while until I get the hang of it and get better gear.

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