Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another patch?

Yes there's a new patch out. For the most part it fixes a lot of mechanics that were introduced in the last patch but weren't quite working how they were supposed to.

Ret pallies got shot in the face with a nerf gun and are now waking up with a suction cup bullet stuck to their forehead.

Most other classes just got some fixes. With the expansion coming out next week it seems this patch was just to hold us over until then, when the real big changes happen.

I haven't gotten to play with the new patch changes yet, but I don't think they're going to affect me much. My pally will be going ret for leveling, but she's only level 13 right now so I never got to see how much damage the OP ret pally could actually do firsthand.

I actually ended up getting home last night after a long session of watching the election coverage at the gf's house and decided to catch up on some anime. I have a lot of episodes of new shows built up to watch, but some of them just haven't caught my interest like most anime does.

I used to start watching a new show, and while it may not be the best, I would stick it out and see if it gets better. I also used to have a lot more free time than I do now.

Right now there are about five new shows I started in on, but I've been putting off three of them because their first episodes didn't really interest me. I think I might end up just forgetting about some of those and stick with the ones I know I want to watch.

It's a matter of time conservation, especially since that time could be better spent playing WoW, and with the new expansion coming I'm going to need all the extra free time I can get.

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