Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wrath Day!

The moment we've all been waiting for is finally here!

I'm sure most of you won't even read this on account of you playing WoW all day to check out the new expansion. For those of us stuck at work, maybe reading this will help pass the time faster so you can get home and play.

I was actually on my way home last night at around 11:30pm and I was contemplating going by Gamestop to see how the line looks and whether I'd be willing to stand in it to get a copy of the expansion. I ended up deciding against it because I could barely keep my eyes open already, and waiting a little longer might actually be better for my health.

I will be stopping off after work tonight though.

I was originally going to wait until Friday to buy it since I have a hockey game to attend tonight (go Sharks!), but I think if I leave work a little earlier today I can make it in time. I know how long it takes to install, and then probably patch, so I want to get that out of the way early so I can actually play when I get some free time rather than sitting around while it installs.

Why oh why do I have to have plans that keep me from playing on launch day? I was in the clear when my Thursday night softball league ended, and I almost never make plans for weeknights, but this is where I have to decide what is more important.

Do I tell a friend that I've known since elementary school and I rarely get to see anymore that I'm sorry, but I can't go to the hockey game with you because WotLK comes out and I want to play it inested? Obviously not, so I'll just have to stick it out. Luckily hockey is really fun to watch.

So for those of you playing now, I'm envious, and for those of you going home after work to play for the rest of the night, I'm also envious. For those of you who won't get to play until sometime after I get to play, sucks for you! I kid, I kid. But seriously, this will be in the back of my mind, keeping me distracted all day while I still only get to imagine how awesome it will be.

On a side note, I am adopting a kitty, an orange tabby. It's pretty exciting, because not only are cats awesome, but he will keep the gf occupied and maybe I can get some more WoW playing in while she's over. It will be interesting to say the least.

The anticipation is killing me!

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