Friday, November 21, 2008

Death Knights are flooding Outland

I logged onto my priest for a bit last night. I still have a few of those elite quests in Hellfire Peninsula to do, but I'll be skipping those for a while and moving on to Zangarmarsh for a bit.

I noticed on my way there that I was 1 experience point away from hitting 64. This seemed a little weird to me, but I think what happened is that with the new faster leveling from 60-70 I would have hit level 64 with the amount of experience I had already into level 63.

I sort of expected in that situation that they would leave you at the same percentage of the way to the next level that you were at before, but this would mean you were getting XP taken away. Instead they left you with the same amount and it just gets you further toward the next level now, although in my case I probably had more than enough to level, but they just stuck me at 1 XP below hitting the next level.

Oh well, I was happy anyway, and upon turning in my first quests I was level 64 and knew this zone would be a piece of cake now. I only had a little time to play, so I decided to go after the Umbrafen tribe and get that out of the way.

Here's the problem with Outland now. With all the new Death Knights finishing the starting zone and heading to Outland right after, they're crowding up the place. Not only that, but that means a much higher chance that you will run into one of those jackass players.

Of course that happened to me, and in the hour I had to play I barely got anything done. There was a Horde DK running around killing the Umbrafen mobs and basically harassing all the other Alliance players. He killed me a few times, then I tried to move to a different area and found him killing another Alliance players, so I loaded him up with DoTs and took him down while he was occupied with the other guy.

I guess this wasn't the best move, as I ended up relocating again, managed to kill a few mobs that I needed, and then he found me again. Not only did he gank me, but proceded to camp me for a good 20 minutes before I just gave up and logged off since I was running short on time anyway.

Needless to say, I'm reconsidering playing any characters in Outland for a while. It's like a slightly lesser version of what happened when TBC was released, but this time 95% of the players are death knights.

I might have to go back to my Hordies for a little while and let things settle down out there. I'd rather play my priest, she was melting faces like nobody's business, but with DK's decked out in blues and her just in quest greens she doesn't stand a chance anytime one decides to come after her.

1 comment:

Gamer Hudson said...

This is why I cannot stand PVP servers, I am sorry. But no one should dictate to you where or when you can quest.

I have limited time to play, and the last thing I want to do is fight against asshats. If I wanted that I would have stuck it out in Warhammer. At least there the PVP is more structured and serves a purpose