Thursday, October 23, 2008

Soon, very soon

The shammy is only a few bars away from hitting 60. Now all I have to do is turn in a few lingering quests that I've been putting off, mainly because they require a fair amount of traveling.

This will be easier said than done. First I have to make my way through zones I haven't been to yet, meaning I can't just use flight paths.

I also need to go to Winterspring, and not only have I not been there on this particular character, but I haven't done any of the quests for Timbermaw Hold, meaning I would be attacked on sight if I tried to run through there.

It looks like at this point I will have to run from Ashenvale to Felwood, do the initial Timbermaw quests, grab the flight paths, and make my way to Winterspring. Sure the quests are below my level and won't take too long, but I'm getting anxious to get to 60.

I'm rather proud of myself that I set such a lofty goal for myself and I will manage to accomplish it, with time to spare. This is really a game that you need to keep yourself motivated for, and setting goals like this helps a lot in sticking with it.

I remember when I first said I would get my hunter and shaman to 60 before the expansion, and at the time I didn't think I'd have a chance of making it. Now I'm getting over that last hump before I get there, and there are a still a few weeks left.

Actually it seems like everyone sets goals for themselves in this game. From raiders trying to collect badges or take down bosses, to PvPers trying to get their Arena rating up to the level they want.

The only advice I can give is don't set your goals so high as to be out of your reach. Sure it's good to strive to be better, but you have to make sure your goals are realistic. Going after a goal that you have very little chance of accomplishing can make you frustrated, and that isn't what you want, especially from playing a game.

On the other hand, picking something to easy isn't as rewarding. Pick something you have a chance of doing, but not something you know you can do.

In my case all I had to do was add a stipulation. Sure I could have gotten those characters to 60 eventually, but I set a time limit on myself which made it that much harder to accomplish. Now I will be getting there sometime in the next couple days and it feels great.

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