Thursday, October 2, 2008

What to expect

Sometimes I wonder what people expect to read when they come here. I can definitely see how my blog name can be misleading. I'm not in a progressive guild as many may assume, or have even progressed very far into the game. Actually, the progression I'm referring to doing is leveling my characters.

I write this blog mainly to get my thoughts out there. I have no friends that play the game anymore, and thus no one to discuss it with. When I hear exciting news about it I can't wait to tell someone, but who am I gonna tell? So I talk about it in this blog and a few people read it.

I also don't put a lot of effort into finding out every detail about WoW. I don't know anything about being in a raid besides what I've read from other people. For me that stuff doesn't matter, I have fun just going through the quests on my way up the levels, and when I get bored of one character or meet a goal I set for myself, I switch to a different character.

I know a lot of people reading WoW blogs are looking for insight into the game, and I do provide that, but maybe from a different perspective. I provide insight from a very casual player, who tends to have little time to play, and even less time to do any research into the game.

I like to think I give a different outlook on the game. While most bloggers are talking about raiding, PvP strategies, and how to optimize your talents, I tend to give some pointers on how to keep the game fun, update you on my progress with all my characters, and hopefully keep you as interested in the game as I am without actually going into all the detail I see from other bloggers.

Not to say I'm taking a better approach, just different. I enjoy reading all the theorycrafting once in a while, or all the new updates to talents that just went into the beta. I just don't have time to do any of that stuff, so I stick with what I do have time for.

If you like reading this blog then thanks for your support, and if you don't, well, you don't have to read it. Just don't expect me to do much more than I've been doing, although I'm not saying it couldn't happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think if you don't write and do what you want to do, then it wont be your blog anymore, just a pale reflection of someone elses.

You are in my blog roll and reader because I enjoy what you write and your topic choices.

Do what makes you feel good, because it makes me feel good too.